service placeholder


Safety Inspection, Regular $199 - Your Price $99

- LP Gas leak and pressure test

- Test brake operation

- Test breakaway switch

- Tire inspection

- Test exterior lights

- Includes De-Winterizing (Regular $99)

Full Gas, Water, & Appliance Systems $339.00 –Your Price $249.95

- Propane leak & pressure test

- Test appliance operation including Furnace, Fridge, Water Heater, Stove, & A/C

- Water system pressure tested for leaks

Peace Of Mind Full Comprehensive Systems $499.00 –Your Price $389.95

-Propane System


-Electrical Systems

-Water System


Spring Maintenance Basic Package $359.00 –Your Price $249.95

De-Winterize, or Slide Lubrication Battery Clean, Hydrometer Test, Fill Batteries & Charge, Roof Inspection, Tire Inspection, Inspect Exterior Seals, Propane Leak & Pressure Test, Inspect Detectors

Maintenance Package

Single Axle - $399.00 – Your Price $315.95

Tandem Axle -$699.00 –Your Price $515.95

Tripe Axle - $999.00 – Your Price $699.95

Wheel Bearing Re-pack, Lubricate Exterior Locks, De-Winterize or Slide Lubrication, Battery Clean, Hydrometer Test, Fill Batteries & Charge, Roof Inspection.

Camp Ready Deluxe Maintenance Package

Single Axle - $899.00 –Your Price $499.95

Tandem Axle - $1099.00- Your Price $815.95

Triple Axle - $1299.00 –Your Price $899.95

Wheel Bearing Re-pack, Lubricate Exterior Locks, De-Winterize or Slide Lubrication, Battery Clean, Hydrometer Test, Fill Batteries & Charge, Roof Inspection, Tire Inspection, Inspect Exterior Seals, Propane Leak & Pressure Test, Inspect Detectors, Test All Appliances, Inspect Brakes & Test Operation, Test Exterior Lights.


Full Spring Cleaning

Includes Interior & Exterior Detail, Appliances, Cabinets, Sinks, Stoves, Vacuum, Windows, Bathrooms, Awning, & Exterior Compartments - $549 – Your Price $399

Standard Interior Detail

Appliances, Cabinets, Sinks, Stoves & Vacuum - $349 – Your Price $250

Awning Fabric Wash -$75 – Your Price $55

Give us a call or stop in to book!!

729 Highfield Gate, Carstairs


1-4 Burnt Basin Street, Red Deer


Please note cost of inspections DO NOT cover cost of repairs. If we come across any issuing during our inspections we will contact you with an estimate for repair approval.

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